I don’t have the time to read every single book in existence. (Shocking) This isn’t because I lack access to ancient texts or the ability to read more than one language. The reason several books will never have my eyes skim their pages is, I don’t have time. Eventually, I have to ask myself why I continue to promise I will get to this book someday even when I really don’t want to read it?
*Warning: Expect many sequels*
The Mark of Athena.
I love the original Percy Jackson books. The adventure and humor were enough to satisfy my high school self. I jumped into The Heroes of Olympusseries with more enthusiasm than when I began its predecessor, but the joy was soon lost in the pages. I forced myself to finish The Lost Hero, and, at the urging of a few of my friends, I gritted my teeth and got through The Son of Neptune. After all that, I had no desire to finish The Heroes of Olympus so I had to remove the next book from the series, The Mark of Athena from my To Be Read Shelf (TBR).
The Wide Window
I read the first two books in A Series of Unfortunate Events, but it didn’t take long to realize the plot of each book is almost exactly the same. The orphans get put in a new home and Count Olaf wreaks havoc. I decided not to make my way through another eleven books following the exact same formula.
Heir to the Empire
Before I knew Disney was making an entire sequel trilogy forStarWars, I really wanted to get my hands of this book. Now that I have seen the movies, I don’t really want to read the expanded universe, with one exception. After seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story, I would very much like to read the original Han Solo Trilogy.
Crown of Embers

My favorite character in the Throne of Glass series perished in the one before Heir of Fire, and I couldn’t bring myself to finish the series without her. (Real mature, right?)
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